The Observer's Notebook: True Expertise is Always a Steal

Volume II, Entry 5 | December 19, 2024

1. You Always Underpay for True Expertise: No Matter the Price

This week I got to interview several experts in nuclear energy.

One of them is truly a legend.

Here’s a short bio. This individual:

  • Has worked in the space since the 1980s

  • Literally operated a nuclear-powered sub for a decade

  • Started & ran a company to evolve nuclear energy tech

  • Has been writing and podcasting about nuclear technology for almost 30 years

  • Now runs a VC with a thesis focused on nuclear energy

People like this are truly remarkable, and I LOVE talking with them.

As I digested our conversation, I got to thinking: what’s a true, one-of-a-kind expert’s time worth?

My take: More than what they charge - regardless of the price. 

2. Basic Legalese is an Unexpected CEO Skill

I spend a LOT of time reviewing, editing, thinking about, and negotiating legalese.

No one really talks about it…

Which makes sense.

“Become a founder! You’ll get to spend hours personally reviewing and signing every company contract!”

Boo. Terrible sales pitch.

But it’s so so so important.

While I’m grateful for very generous legal counsel (shoutout to my friends at Pursuit Legal), I know I have a ton of room to grow in this area.

Anybody have a good recommendation on “effective business legalese for busy dumb stressed CEOs”? Send it my way.

3. Evolving as a Writer is Knowing when Grammarly is Being Stupid

“Grammarly sucks.”

Or, at least, that’s what I thought to myself this week.

To be clear: It’s a fantastic tool that I love and use daily. But I’ve realized that it tends to make content too “vanilla.”

And vanilla is boring.

Writing is more fun to read and to write when it has some personality, grammatical errors, and inconsistency to it.

In an age of what my friend Matt Bell (episode 7) calls “wishy-washy beige content,” nobody’s going to stop their scroll for the same ol’ same ol’.

So, here’s to getting a “B-” on this copy from our friendly Grammarly bot.🍻


  1. A 25-minute read on the story behind AirBnB🏠| The Startup Guy @ (link)

  2. Building the Crowdfunding ecosystem: a 35m interview with Kendrick Nguyen, founder of Republic🤝| Marcia Dawood @The Angel Next Door Podcast (link)

  3. Pretty helpful statistics behind why the winners keep winning🏆| Nick Maggiuli @Of Dollars and Data (link)

Thanks for reading - have a great week.

**I’m taking a break next week for the holidays. I hope you enjoy a blessed time with family and friends.**


P.S. Your feedback is important to me. Also, it tells the algorithms to pay more attention, which helps me out a lot. If you enjoyed this post, hit the “like” button or leave a comment with your thoughts.

How did I do this week?

About Me

I cultivate flourishing.

I'm also the CEO of PitchFact, where our mission is to cultivate flourishing specifically through efficient and collaborative early-stage diligence. I'm a proud husband, grateful father, and honest friend. My love languages include brisket, bourbon, and espresso.